Month: January 2017

Maine Federation of Humane Societies

The Maine Federation of Humane Societies is a statewide network of companion animal organizations working to support animal shelters and rescue groups with education, outreach and advocacy.   Every shelter and rescue they could find was invited to their annual meeting and over 150 animal lovers were there.  To make it possible for as many people as possible to attend, Maine Fed helped by providing assistance with lodging and meals.  Some of those expenses just weren’t in the Maine Fed budget, so the May HTR Foundation was happy to help.

Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine – Equine Health Services

The Louisiana State Response Team (LSART), Equine Branch, has had its hands full since the flooding in South Louisiana displaced hundreds of horses, not to mention cattle and other farm animals. With concerns about an encephalitis epidemic and the lack of medications and supplies to treat the “waterline” horses, LSART was struggling to provide the needed care for these animals. It is an honor to be able to help LSART with the largest grant award in our short history.

Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine – Shelter Medicine

South Louisiana is struggling – again – with animals displaced by flooding. When the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, Shelter Medicine Department asked for help in taking care of the hundreds of cats now in the shelters not affected by the flooding, we were happy to help. Since most necessary medications were already donated, the May HTR Foundation provided funds to purchase feral cats dens and nets to keep shelter staff safe along with “Scratch and Stretches “ and Feliway plugins to keep the cats calm and occupied.

University of Tennessee, Shelter Medicine Program

The May HTR Foundation loves Amanda Dykstra at the University of Tennessee Vet School. Dr. Dykstra and her students spay and neuter over 2000 cats and dogs a year, most of them at NO CHARGE to the local shelters she serves. When she asked for some supplies for all those surgeries, we were so happy to be able to help. She sent us photos of some of the most adorable patients, post-surgery, wrapped up in the Bair Hugger she was able to purchase with out funds. Nice to know these little ones stay warm and cozy after their surgeries.